How do we prevent retaliation in the community?
Lead Agency
Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE)
Interim Director:
Kwelli Sneed
Fiscal Year(s) Funded
FY20 - present
Shakitha Leavy
For More Info
Program Summary
​The Community Response Team addresses neighborhood violence within District neighborhoods. They work with communities to identify strengths and needs, develop strategies to address concerns, identify and link to services, conduct empowerment and healing events, link stakeholders, and advocate for vulnerable residents.
How does it help?
Communities with neighborhood conflicts need help to heal and grow as a whole. They often have strengths that they don’t realize. The CRT helps communities help themself in finding resources and services and build a more positive and empowering environment.
Who uses this program?
Communities who are experiencing neighborhood violence. To request a consultation with the Community Response Team, please fill out this form: CRT Consultation Request Form.