How do we prevent youth from entering the juvenile justice system?
Lead Agency
Department of Human Services (DHS)
Laura Zeilinger
Fiscal Year(s) Funded
FY12 - present
Sheila Clark
For More Info
Program Summary
Parent and Adolescent Support Services (PASS) Intensive Case Management (ICM) program provides early intervention services to youth – ages 10 to 17 experiencing emotional and behavioral challenges -- and their families with the hope of keeping youth out of the juvenile justice and/or child welfare systems. This program works in partnership with the Department of Behavioral Health and includes community support services such as mentoring, tutoring, and after-school programming.
How does it help?
The hope is to reach youth before they are in the juvenile justice system. Youth and their families receive a variety of supports such as educational advocacy, tutoring, individual and/or family therapy, mentoring, and financial assistance to take lessons/sports teams, camp. Parents/guardians also participate in a monthly support group.
Who uses this program?
Youth PASS ICM is a voluntary program open to families of DC youth, 10 to 17 years old. Parents/guardians and the youth must commit to participating in the case planning process and in recommended services. Families are not eligible for PASS ICM if they have an open case with the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) or if the youth has an active case with Court Social Services (CSS) or the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS). 
Anyone can make a referral by using this PASS Referral form, or by email, fax, or phone.
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (202) 698-4334
Contact Fax: (202) 478-5747
Contact TTY: 711
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (202) 698-4334
Contact Fax: (202) 478-5747
Contact TTY: 711
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm
How much is invested?
In fiscal year 2023 the District invested $3,184,000 in this program including staffing, programming, and services.